Unified Freedom

How does a church operate in freedom and move in unity?


Uniformity is not unity.  Uniformity is an indicator of shallow beliefs or a culture that rejects creative, honest dialogue.  Unity is defined by Jesus when he prays that His disciples would be one as He and the Father are one.  Selah.

Freedom and confrontation lead to relational strength.  Relational strength is the bridge to give grace and discipline enveloped in love.

A strong church has divergent ministry methods.  All ministry methods must align with the truth that love is superior to results {1 Corinthians 13}

Leadership is a God given call to influence a group of people in the direction that God desires them to go.  Leadership is a position of service, not an entitlement.

The expectation of leaders must be to develop others who surpass them in giftedness, passion and favor.  Unity can be preserved when leaders promote & sponsor followers.

Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

-Romans 12:10 {NLT}


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