No Money, No Problem

I’ve never really had to deal with the money “problem.”  I’ve always had enough money and seen God provide and bless our family with enough bless others.  But today I heard that our church does not have enough money to take care of its financial obligations if something does not change this month.  My first response was nervous laughter.  My second response was to text a friend to pray for me.  I was feeling afraid.

I asked for prayer because of the two paths before me: faith or fear.  I could feel myself leaning toward fear, and needed help from God.  Two hours later I’m feeling faith, dreaming faith and proclaiming faith.

I had already decided we would be going after fear this month in our sermon series.  I know we’ve not been given a spirit of fear and so its an illegal authority in our lives.  It seems the message is hitting close to home.  There is nothing like living out what you preach!

The Word of God is my tutor.

It shares the story of Obadiah, a chief of staff for an ancient King.  He counted himself as above average with the Lord because of his courage.  During a season of massive persecution of the God’s people he hid one hundred prophets in caves and supplied them with food and water.  Yet this bold leader freaked out when asked by Elijah to set up a face-to-face meeting with His King.  What I’ve discovered from Obadiah’s life is that it’s possible to be courageous one moment, and full of fear in the next.  I don’t want to live like that.  I have been given a spirit of sonship, not of fear.  And so has every believer in Jesus!

So the next time fear or anxiety shows up at the door of your heart remember that faith is standing next to them.  You can choose which one is allowed inside.  And when you’ve chosen faith, ask God to give it to you.  It doesn’t well up from the inside, but washes over you from Heaven to earth.


  1. Karen Lopez says

    I am learning in this area too…a combination of self discipline, wise stewardship, and stepping into the Father’s economy, not the one I was born into or my culture dictates, but a super-natural one, where I am just a conduit to others ( and myself) of the loving provision of a very rich Daddy. I am learning to not only have faith, but also to ask Him, ‘what do I do next?’ I’m seeing amazing results, but it’s not an easy transition….:)

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