An October Update

Tree of Life is ALIVE and bearing fruit by connecting the church, sowing into children and equipping the Saints.  Through our School of Ministry, Child Development Center, and the people of its congregation the Kingdom of God is being experienced and expanded.

IMG_5692Recently we devoted our regular Saturday Weekend Experience into a time of connection.  To my surprise every seat at every table was filled as people came together to share a meal, share themselves and fellowship. People who had recently encountered the Lord in worship or during a sermon were encountering the Lord through one another.  It was a beautiful time of community.


Our School of Ministry kicked off with passion and excellence.   Most nights I go home overjoyed with the students hunger for more of the Lord.  Last month’s course on Women in Leadership is being followed by a course of Revival.  Our first night of this class was extraordinary as the Spirit poured out a baptism of fire and joy.  For an hour after class students danced, laughed and wept in the presence of God.



Our giant leap of faith is the Child Development CenterScheduled to open this month it is slightly behind our schedule but we’re sure that doesn’t bother the Lord.  This is His initiative that He is leading around obstacles and objections.  For example Nathan Chud continues to direct the center even after receiving notice from the State that his credentials wouldn’t satisfy the state licensing requirements.  We prayed and God responded by leading several applicants to us who had all the credentials we need to open as a licensed, Christian child care center.  The staff is stronger and more experienced as a result of a decision by the state that could have caused fear and discouragement.

We are celebrating a full year of young adult ministry.  Beginning with just three in attendance, our Monday night group has seen scores of young adults come into our ministry to be supported, challenged and connected.  Some are college students from Mat-Su College and ot


hers from UAA in Anchorage It’s a life-giving group that also takes time to serve the church.  On a recent Saturday morning they pieced together the playground equipment for the child development center with a bit of assistance from us “older” people.
A number of them are also featured on a video that captures them during an outreach to Anchorage praying for healing and demonstrating the love of Jesus.

We invite your financial support. In the Spirit we are rich, fully funded and able to give to other ministries and missions.  But the bank statement says we don’t have enough to cover even a month of operations.  Donations from our supporters are vital at this time.

Contributions can be made online.

Please pray with us for Tree of Life.  Someone recently said that too many prayers are from earth’s perspective to Heaven.  Instead we should be praying from Heaven’s perspective over the earth. Pray with us by declaring the Kingdom of Heaven will reign over our ministries, lives and our city.  We’re dreaming big because our God is willing to do more than we expect or imagine.





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