Funding The Vision

Moving to the Heart of the City

Giving to the Building FundTree of Life is on a mission to transform Palmer and we would like your help.  This city is the seat of our borough government, utility headquarters, state courthouse and many state offices.  It has an emerging arts community, new restaurants and significant residential development.  It is a city that is growing and our church is committed to presenting Christ to its people.

In 2013 we prayerfully took a step of faith to engage and serve dual income families in our city through a Child Development Center.  After 18 months of operation our Center now cares for 60 children daily, with an outstanding staff of professing Christians.  The hard work and blessing of God has resulted in an excellent reputation and a waiting list for new enrollment. Yet, the building that houses our Child Development Center had an additional 7,000 square feet that was unused.

NOW… in the spring of 2015 we acquired a construction loan for $100,000 that allows us to turn Palmer’s original courthouse into our worship center!! This strategic move places our church into the same building as our Child Development Center. What an amazing way to bring more of the spirit of Jesus to the heart of Palmer. All while lowering our monthly operating costs. It’s a remarkable answer to months of prayer!

As we move to a single facility in Palmer, we not only save dollars, we increase our capacity to influence the city.  Plans are underway to use our new location as a fine arts school providing lessons in music and art.  The renovation design team is using this goal as they choose specific types of lighting, equipment and style to turn this building into a modern, multi purposeful space.

So our new building won’t be sitting empty all week, but will quickly be at capacity as we continue the Child Development Center, add our church’s worship services and soon a fine arts school.

We have been blessed by professionals that have graciously volunteered their time to help us complete our demolition. Building plans are approved, construction has begun and we plan to occupy our new worship center in October of 2015.

For this to happen we are raising additional funds. Our goal is to raise $100,000 in order to complete construction, acquire a sound system, stage and lighting, chairs, furnishing for our lounge, and computer equipment.  This is a strategic opportunity to invest into an emerging and flourishing ministry.

How to help?  Pray, Pledge & Give.

  • Pray – We are asking you to pray about a specific amount you can give once or set aside regularly to invest into Tree of Life.
  • Give – make your contribution through check or set up a recurring draft of your checking/debit/credit account online.

His richest blessings to you as you prayerfully consider this opportunity.

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