Act Like Men

Is this the image of a real man?

I was reading the Bible looking for comfort over money matters and I tripped over a verse (1 Cor 16:13-18) that said, “ACT LIKE MEN.” Of course, it wasn’t in all capital letters, but that is how it read to me.  It kind of shouted off the page. So I’ve been thinking for a bit, what does the Bible mean when it says, “Act like men?”

Looking at the verses around the words “act like men” I came up with a short list of behaviors that I consider manly. Nothing in the list is about killing animals or bench pressing your body weight, but those are manly too.

  1. Be watchful = protective.
  2. Stand firm in the faith = do not waver or be double minded, but settle what you believe.
  3. Be strong = be able to support others emotionally, physically, spiritually.
  4. Motivated by love = not motivated by competition against others or insecurity about oneself.
  5. Devoted to service of the saints = commit to helping the body/church.
  6. Be subject to others = be able to follow others, not just lead them.
  7. I rejoice a the coming of … = celebrate the relationships you have with others
  8. For they refreshed my spirit = acknowledge you need other people, can’t do it alone.
  9. Give recognition to people = make it a habit to publically acknowledge the work & attitude of others.

I’m sure there are deeper layers to this question, but I’m just getting started.  What about you? When you hear the phrase, “act like men,” what do you think it means? What feelings and thoughts does it stir up?


  1. Mike Main says

    Mean what you say, say what you mean. Act with integrity. Be brave. Stand firm. Be kind.
    Those are my initial thoughts, anyway.

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