Service with Northgate Alaska

This Sunday we, Tree of Life Church, are hosting Northgate Alaska Church and doing a joint worship service with them. Their regular facility isn’t available because of the earthquake and so we’ve offered to hold our services together. Many of you know that Northgate is the church many of us attended in the past, so this will be a reunion of sorts. I expect it to be fun and meaningful!

There will be two services this Sunday. The first will begin at 8:30 and the second at 10:30.

As usual, we will have a time to visit and eat together as a part of our morning. We won’t need anyone to bring food because that has been taken care of by a donor. However, you may get a call from our staff asking you to help with hospitality, or ushering. We expect that each service will have around 200 participants.

I love the Church and am looking forward to this weekend. See you soon!








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