Men’s Ministry Makes Massive Mistake

Okay, full disclosure: the headline is total click bait. But men’s ministry certainly isn’t. For over a year the men of Tree of Life have met twice a month to talk, listen, laugh and challenge one another to grow as brothers, sons, fathers & Believers, whether they like it or not.

Men’s ministry reminds me of the Life cereal commercial with the three brothers. “I’m not going to try it–you try it.” “Let’s get Mikey. He hates everything!” “He likes it! Hey Mikey!” Watch the commercial

It seems that we all don’t really want to try anything new, even when its sitting right before us. But if someone we know, someone who is a bit skeptical or jaded, if that person likes it… then we might give it a try. With that mindset we’ve intended men’s group to be NOTHING like the other men’s church groups. Some weeks we may fail, but for the most part this isn’t your Father’s Bible study. Its real men, with real passion, talking about their real lives.

This spring the men made a commitment to serve with projects that would impact the city, not just the church members. Brad McGough is leading the charge and coordinates our meetings. If you’re looking to connect and can stomach some non-religious conversation, join us on a Saturday morning.

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