Men’s Group Modernizes

Back in the old days, men’s group met every two weeks. Even further back, it was a once a month gathering over a three thousand calorie breakfast. But this is 2019, and things are a changing!

The Original Men’s Group

“This is my support group,” shared one man of the group. This declaration, among others, led to the recent change of the Saturday morning men’s group at Tree of Life. It is now a weekly meeting at 8 AM. “It’s not just a time to study the Word or pray together, it’s a time to listen and to share. More often than not, we spend 45 minutes to an hour just letting the guys hear from one another,” said one of the men’s group leaders. We also text one another, though not everyone enjoys the constant interruption of humor and announcements, and leaders have asked for moderation.

The guys who meet on Saturdays are modern men: framers & plumbers, pastors, executives, engineers etc. Most are married, though at one point half the group were divorced men giving advice to an twenty-something newly engaged to be married. Those were ‘inspirational’ meetings, to be sure.

Among this diverse group there is a desire to have someone listen, or pray, and quite regularly get in one’s space. When guys share, it’s common for others to push back a bit and challenge what’s going on. “Why don’t you have a better job? That isn’t going to work for your wife. You going to keep on doing that?” are phrases frequently heard.

Throughout the winter the men’s group will be embarking on another new endeavor, joining with other men’s ministries. Northgate has invited the men’s group to join them for their monthly men’s breakfast and Band of Brothers has several opportunities they’ll pursue. The YAK, a local teen center, is also inviting our men to help them finish out their new facility in Palmer.  Going outside of the congregation is one way they fulfill their mandate to work toward unity in the body of Christ.

Are you a man? Would you like to join the men’s group of TOL? Show up for the next meeting Saturday, 8 AM at 268 E Fireweed Ave in Palmer (the TOL building).

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