Live @ Greenhouse

Facebook Live has made its appearance at Greenhouse this fall. Students can and have used the forum to share their homework assignments: a personal reflection on the reading for the week. Some may shy away from a raw and unedited video broadcast to other students, but the ability to hear tone or see facial expressions is wonderful!

Currently Greenhouse is studying a powerful book, The Cure. Its all about living in grace instead of striving to please God. Of course there is also time to connect with other students including the option to eat dinner together for those who can make it.

Rosanne putting herself out there via Facebook Live

This material has been so good, new folks have jumped in after the class began and another students signed up this week.

We’ve also had two teens attend a Greenhouse class for the first time. They are willing to ask the questions adults hesitate to bring up. And they’ve been great comedic relief!

Next class begins in January and will be going through Danny Silk’s new book, Unpunishable. Put aside $20 for the class fee and make plans to join us!

Ending our love affair with punishment

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