Pursuing Unity

When the Spirit moves, its good to go with the flow!

This fall we put worship nights back on the calendar and they have rocked! One unintended result of our monthly worship nights has been the opportunity to gather with believers from other churches. It wasn’t planned or advertised that way, it just happened as TOL people shared an invite with friends. The impact has been truly fantastic! There’s a new group of children to meet, and adults to visit with after each service. In this month’s worship night, the mic was picked up by several to share in prayer or share an encouraging message. It’s powerful and refreshing to hear from those who aren’t on staff at TOL, love the Lord, and are willing to take a small risk to speak in front of the group.

Hearing From Other Ministries

In the next few weeks, TOL will hear from leaders of two local ministries: The YAK & Northgate Alaska. The YAK is a warm, safe, fun and FREE teen center located in the heart of Palmer. Their director, Jeff will be at TOL on November 24th to share their vision and invite others to partner in prayer, giving and volunteering.

Dennis Hotchkiss is the Senior Leader of Northgate Alaska Church and will be preaching in our Sunday service on December 1st. Northgate’s vision includes seeing every heart healed, every family made and every city transformed by the love of the Father. Sounds just like something we’d say here at TOL, doesn’t it?

One of the four mandates we pursue at TOL is the unity of the body of Christ. These small steps of inclusion are a big statement on our values. I believe Christ desires unity and prays for unity. In fact, Jesus’ words are recorded in John 17:20-23 stating that our unity will reveal to the world the reality of Jesus’ life and ministry.
~ Post by: Paul Steiner

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