Weekly Ministry Update

A couple quick items today, Tuesday March 17th.

  1. We want to hear from you, pray with you, and will meet with you. While we’re going through this situation we should not give up caring for one another. If you have practical needs, please let those needs be known.
  2. Our staff met this morning to discuss if we would adjust our Sunday Service and weekly ministries. This weekend, we will meet online instead of in person. Rosie will be leading worship and Paul will have a message and time of discussion all via Facebook Live.

This is the plan for this week. We’ll continue make decisions weekly.

As Paul shared on Sunday, this is a time for wisdom and not for fear. Since the Scriptures admonish us to submit to our governing authorities, we are adjusting our services (see 1 Peter 3:13-14, Romans 13:1-2). We believe this is the correct course of action to respond to the COVID-19 situation with wisdom and humility.

We’d also ask you to be praying today and all week. Here are a few ideas for prayer:
· Yesterday Maile participated in a statewide phone conference with pastors and the State of Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer on Monday, Dr. Anne Zink. Join us in praying for her, and other officials to have wisdom as they lead and make decisions that affect so many others.
· Pray that peace would reign, and that generosity and wisdom would be in abundance.
· Pray that the COVID-19 virus would end (and influenza too).
· Pray for those who are already affected by closures and quarantines. This includes families at Tree of Life.
· Pray for those who are vulnerable to sickness including those who have compromised immune systems.

If you have additional prayer needs, please post them in the comments below. As many are doing, consider meditating on Psalm 91 and finding comfort in the presence of Christ.

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