Women’s Weekend 2023

October 20-22

This year our Women’s Weekend theme is Rejuvenate–to make new, to restore, to give new energy to, to make young again. Do you need any of that?? We are expecting God to move powerfully in and through us! Come join us for a weekend away at AK Knotty Pine B&B on Lazy Mountain to be refreshed, laugh, & worship together! 

More details and full schedule coming soon! Click the links below to register and sign up for a food contribution. For one more year, we have held the price to $199! If you are unable to attend the whole weekend, it is $20 for Friday evening (no housing), $65 for Saturday (all day, no housing), and Sunday morning is FREE! If we run out of beds, we will offer overflow options (bring a camper or “camp out” in the common room) for $125 per person.

Register HERE:


What to bring:

•Food: See the Food Contribution list below! This year, instead of a Friday night potluck we are asking you to contribute in a different way. We are hoping this retreat will be a time for us all to be recharged and rejuvenated, and being stressed from a mad rush to put a dish together Friday afternoon on our way to the weekend doesn’t line up with that vision! This food list has been designed so that you can sign up for a couple items to contribute toward meals for the weekend and drop off those items in advance rather than one more thing you have to remember the day of! (Okay, maybe the fresh fruit is gonna be day of!) Bag the items up and label them WOMEN’S WEEKEND attn: Kim. Bring items to the church on Sunday or Thursday or drop them off at one of Kim’s coffee shops. If they need to be refrigerated make sure to let whoever you drop them off with know! Then come to the weekend relaxed and ready to be blown away!

Sign up for food to bring HERE:


•Snacks, favorite teas, beverages

We will have coffee, tea, and water available. On Saturday afternoon/evening, we will have a special Fall beverage treat for you–not margaritas this year, but FUN! Feel free to bring any juice, sodas, or other beverages you’d like for the weekend, but please bring enough to share! 

•Slippers/cozy socks (no shoes inside the lodge)

•Fun pajamas 

•Comfortable clothes, toiletries for the weekend

•Nail polish & other supplies for “spa” afternoon on Saturday (We will have some things available, too!)

•Yoga mat if you have one

•Bible, journal to write in

•Cards, games

•Bathing suit for the hot tub & sauna

Venue specific rules:

•No shoes in the lodge

•No smoking or vaping in any of the buildings or on any of the porches.  Smoking is permitted in the parking lots away from the buildings

•No pets

•Quiet hours outdoors begin at 10:00pm

More details coming soon!


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