Call Me Joy

Advent Week 3–JOY

By Kaye Saxon

A Prayer of Confidence – GNT

Protect me, O God; I trust in you for safety.
2 I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
    all the good things I have come from you.”

3 How excellent are the Lord's faithful people!
    My greatest pleasure is to be with them.

4 Those who rush to other gods
    bring many troubles on themselves.
I will not take part in their sacrifices;
    I will not worship their gods.

5 You, Lord, are all I have,
    and you give me all I need;
    my future is in your hands.
6 How wonderful are your gifts to me;
    how good they are!

7 I praise the Lord, because he guides me,
    and in the night my conscience warns me.
8 I am always aware of the Lord's presence;
    he is near, and nothing can shake me.

9 And so I am thankful and glad,
    and I feel completely secure,
10 because you protect me from the power of death.
I have served you faithfully,
    and you will not abandon me to the world of the dead.

11 You will show me the path that leads to life;
    your presence fills me with joy
    and brings me pleasure forever.

Call Me Joy

By Kaye Saxon

I find it funny that, when Maile was sending out the chart of who was writing the various devotionals this year, she listed me initially by name as “Joy” (instead of Kaye) – writing on the topic of joy.  I’ve been called “Joy” before by people.  Some say I look like a “Joy.”  And, according to some web sites, I found that the origin in Greek and in Welsh of “Kaye” give its meaning as “rejoice.”    I WANT to be joyful. I WANT to be “Joy.”   But. . . I haven’t always understood how to get there. 

Depending on the version you read, Joy can be found as many as 480 times in the bible as “joy”, “joyful” or “rejoice”.  The Psalms carry the most occurrences of the word “joy.”  And, it seems, that one way to get to that place of joy may be to simply enter into praise – to worship the One who brings Joy.

As an example, Psalm 16 causes me to swell inside with hope and confidence.  It brings me to a place of joy as I savor what each verse reminds me that I have with the Lord.  

Verse 1 — Protect me, O God; I trust in you for safety. — declares “I am SAFE with God.” I know that He will protect me.  I have nothing to fear!

Verse 2 — I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; all the good things I have come from you.”  —acknowledges that all the good things I have come from God.  Nothing I have, that is worth anything, is of my doing.  He has given me life and the opportunity to bring life to others.  My heart, my mind, my personality, my giftings and my roles – they come from my Father.  As I follow Him, I see His handiwork weaving through all things and I see it is GOOD.

Verse 3 — How excellent are the Lord’s faithful people!  My greatest pleasure is to be with them.  declares there is joy in being with God’s faithful people – My CHURCH FAMILY!  God’s people fill me with hope, give me purpose, spark my creativity and interest, and allow me to partner with them as we serve the Lord and each other.  They comfort me in practical ways and fill my days with laughter. Their presence brings joy and breath to my life.

Verse 4 — Those who rush to other gods bring many troubles on themselves. I will not take part in their sacrifices; I will not worship their gods.  reminds me my worship and my focus belong to God. God, You alone I long to Worship, You alone are worthy of my praise!”   When my eyes are on Him, my feet and hands and heart follow.  He will not lead me astray.  He longs to be my First Love and rewards my focus with His presence.

Verse 5 — You, Lord, are all I have, and you give me all I need; my future is in your hands.  I’m all in!  He is all I have, gives me all I need and holds my future!  I realize that everything I have is from my Father.  Everything I really need He will provide, and He has my future in His hands – ready for me to follow His lead into what He has planned for me.  I trust Him and His will for me.  

Verse 6 — How wonderful are your gifts to me; how good they are! God gives me WONDERFUL and GOOD gifts! My Father gives good gifts!  He cares about the things I love, even to the smallest detail.  I am filled with gratitude for His extravagant love.

Verse 7 — I praise the Lord, because he guides me, and in the night my conscience warns me.  I praise Him as my guide and my conscience.  He leads and speaks to me day and night. In the stillness, in the quiet, in even the busyness of the day, above the noise – if I listen, I can hear Him.  If I look, I can see Him.   I need only ask, and He will respond.  He does not ignore me.  He is not too busy for me.  I have His attention and He leads, teaches, prompts, and pursues me.  

Verse 8 — I am always aware of the Lord’s presence; he is near, and nothing can shake me.  I feel His presence with me keeping me steady. I praise the Lord. He is WITH me!  I am confident that He is with me, guiding and protecting me.  He gives me confidence in the face of the storms and battles I encounter.  We meet them together.  I am not afraid because He is with me.

Verse 9 — And so, I am thankful and glad, and I feel completely secure,  He makes me thankful and glad, and I do not question His love and protection. I know that He loves me.  He gave His son for me.  He is for me, not against me.  He leaves the 99 to find the one who is lost.  I was the lost one and He found me.  I know He will not leave me or forsake me.  I am His.

Verse 10 — because you protect me from the power of death.  I have served you faithfully, and you will not abandon me to the world of the dead.  I get to spend eternity with Him!  I am His faithful servant.  My God has made a way!  I get to be with Him forever.   I will not be left behind! I am His faithful servant.  I want to follow Him and serve Him in everything I do.  I look for His next direction.  I will keep my ears and eyes alert to His lead.

Verse 11 — You will show me the path that leads to life; your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure forever.  I am NOT lost. He leads me to life everlasting filled with UNENDING pleasure and Joy.  I have MUCH to be thankful for, much to be joyful in.   This joy brings the strength and confidence to face all that is before me. I am NOT alone.  I am NOT lost.  I am HIS child. And, in His presence is FULLNESS of JOY.

Psalm 16 resets my mind and heart, pouring Joy into my soul!  Call me Joy! There is SO much to be thankful for!  Allow the joy of our Lord to fill your season with strength and health.  

Proverbs 17:22 GNT

Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.


Ask yourself, am I walking in joy and cheer or experiencing a slow death in my gloominess?  I encourage you to spend time going back, verse by verse through Psalm 16, and visualize how they apply to you.  What are all the good things God has given you and has for you?   Are you finding blessing through fellowship and communion with fellow believers?  Are you listening to His voice and guidance?   Are you noticing His presence in your life?   Spend time in His presence worshiping Him with a heart of gratitude.   When we “count our blessings” it brings us into a place of gratitude and joy.  That joy strengthens our heart.  


Lord I am so grateful for Your love, Your wonderful gift of life and Your presence.   Help me to keep my focus on You in gratitude that I might experience your Joy that strengthens me.  I want to live in Your presence, follow Your lead, healthy, strong, and joyful.   Amen.

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