NEW Greenhouse class starts THIS Thursday!

If you are a man, this class will encourage and inspire you. If you are a woman, you might find yourself looking at the men in your life a little differently. (I already am!!) No matter who you are, this class has the potential to radically shift the way you view men AND women and equip you to counter the all-out war on masculinity our culture is waging right now.

Here’s a quote from chapter 1: “Few people are really claiming that all masculinity is toxic. Yet the message men often hear is that there is something inherently defective in the male character. Many men today feel discouraged, devalued, and demoralized.”

Come learn which definitions of manhood are part of God’s original, beautiful design. Come learn how to affirm and celebrate these God-given traits. Come learn what the research shows about church-going, theologically conservative Christian men (it will encourage you!). Come hear some things about “headship” and authority that you might never have heard before.

Class starts THIS coming Thursday, Sept 12, 6:30-9:30pm. Click the link below to sign up and you can pick up your book at church on Sunday to start reading for the first class. $25 per person, $40 for couples sharing a book. Childcare can be available if you let me know by Tuesday the 10th that you need it for this Thursday.

I hope you are able to come! I really believe this material is another turning point for our marriages, our families, and our church. Danny Silk says that whole, healthy families will save the world. How can our families be whole and healthy if half of the members feel under attack and devalued and the other half subconsciously (or consciously) believes there’s something “inherently defective” with masculinity? I can’t wait to hear the stories of restoration and healing that are going to come from this class! I hope you come along for the journey!

Greenhouse Toxic War on Masculinity

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