New Greenhouse class: Anointed for Business

Join us beginning Thursday, January 23, 2025, for a 6 week class on Ed Silvoso’s Anointed for Business: How to Use Your Influence in the Marketplace to Change the World.

Here’s what the back cover says:

“The notion that labor for profit and worship of God are now, and always have been, worlds apart, is patently false. The Early Church founders were mostly community leaders and highly successful businesspeople.  …The perceived wall between commercial pursuit and service to God continues to be a barrier to advancing His kingdom. Silvoso shows Christians how to knock down that wall–and participate in an unparalleled marketplace transformation. Only then can we see God’s kingdom invade every corner of our world. Readers will appreciate Silvoso’s passionate call to men and women in the workplace to rise to their God-appointed positions.”

Click the link below to register for the class. Cost is $25 per person, $40 for a couple sharing a book. Come join us as we get our minds renewed on poverty, wealth, business, and what it means to be a marketplace minister!

Greenhouse Anointed for Business

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