

Looking for a place to connect

Life groups may be your step into community.  Currently there are three groups meeting biweekly.  Groups fill up quickly, but we’re often looking for new facilitators that will lead a Life Group.

~ Palmer LifeGroup led by Brad & Rosie McGough

~ Wasilla LifeGroup led by Gabe & Shannon Johnson

~ Emerging LifeGroup led by Paul & Holly SteinerRip SeparatorWant to Lead or Host a LifeGroup?

If you’re interested in becoming a LifeGroup leader, or host, or simply want a better understanding of what LifeGroups look like at Tree of Life, please join us at our next LifeGroup Training. Check back soon to find out when the next LifeGroup Training will be!

LifeGroup Training will focus on three areas:

• First, we’re going to focus on how you, as a LifeGroup leader, are the heartbeat of the church so that you feel clear about the role.

• Second, we’re going to explain what it will take for you to lead a LifeGroup successfully.  We’ll also help you feel clear about the people and resources that we have to help you grow as a leader and succeed at leading your LifeGroup.

• Finally, you’re going to create a plan to get your LifeGroup started in the next 30 days. You’ll leave with the next steps to take and some people to lean on and work alongside as you get going.

Rip SeparatorFor more info on getting involved in, or leading, LifeGroups at TOL, send us an email!