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Overcoming Fear

"I'm going to die!  We're going to starve!  That woman is going to kill me!" These are the cries of desperate people described in 1 Kings 18, though you wouldn't be hard pressed to find someone thinking the same thing today.  Believers in Jesus … [Continue reading]

No Money, No Problem

I’ve never really had to deal with the money “problem.”  I’ve always had enough money and seen God provide and bless our family with enough bless others.  But today I heard that our church does not have enough money to take care of its financial … [Continue reading]

Hurt People Hurt People

"Hurt people hurt people."  This is what Leif Hetland said when he laid hands on me that day he came to our church several years ago.  I was so frustrated!  Of all the things this anointed man could say and he said that!  I was offended.  I took it … [Continue reading]

Invisible Moms and Missionaries

This Mother's Day be encouraged as you hear that the most important work ever accomplished is often invisible.  Mothers and missionaries shape the world through sacrifice without always getting the credit for their labor.  In this message special … [Continue reading]

Living in the In between Seasons

Most believers love the resurrection moments of their life.  When hopes and dreams once considered dead come back to life.  Believers love the revivals that sweep regions.  The lives and cities that are transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit. But … [Continue reading]

Judge Much?

Jesse Lye communicates a powerful message about overcoming judgement.  Drawing from Scriptures, His own life, and the influence of others he presents authentic and hopeful insight into why Believers deal with judgement.  Spurring current fads he dips … [Continue reading]

The Connection Conflict

Christians know that living in community can hurt.  And living isolated from others can hurt.  However, we must choose to do the right thing, knowing what can hurt us will not harm us. We must make the choice to live known or alone.  God calls us to … [Continue reading]

Ten Percent Of My Tax Return?

At this time each year I’m often asked, “should I tithe off my tax return?” Well, it depends on how you’ve already been tithing throughout the year.  This isn’t a full treatment of the practice of tithing.  But in summary the Bible says to tithe … [Continue reading]


"Be Perfect..." I don't know if there is a more discouraging statement in all of Scripture.  On the surface, it seems contradictory that there is only one who lived a sinless life and then the preacher tells me I’m supposed to be perfect.   I’ve … [Continue reading]

Be Real Not Religious

I have a confession to make. I watch The Bachelor, I drink alcohol sometimes, and I often listen to secular music (gasp). “But you’re a pastor’s wife!” some say. Yes I am, and I am on a journey to be a free pastor’s wife. This is my testimony about … [Continue reading]